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Ergonomic Test

Nos adelantamos a los problemas para evitarlos

Los altos requerimientos en protección tanto de producto como de operarios de la industria farmacéutica, empujan al diseño de equipos donde las operaciones de preparación y ajuste, deben ser realizadas a través de guantes o utillajes específicos.

These physical barriers that limit operator’s access to the essential parts of the equipment, often require a previous mock-up or ergonomics tests to guarantee the optimal operator’s interaction and obtain the best performance of the equipment.

The simulation techniques we use are different:

  • Mock-ups
  • Ergonomic tests on semi-finished machine
  • 3D simulations with predictive systems
Quality Control Tests In Pharmaceutical Industry

Engineering locally, acting globally

We have created a cross-functional team of more than 15 nationalities to give excellent after-sales service.
Represented in more than 80 countries with continuous support from local offices and sales representatives.